Creative Awards Flyers, Nominee Announcement Graphics, Media Kit Design

Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign

For the second year, I’ve created the flyers and nominee announcement graphics for Haitian Creative Digital Awards online awards show, honoring Haitian and Haitian American creatives.

Main Flyer

This main flyer was to attract Haitian and Haitian creatives to attend this event and to nominate Haitian creatives. Made for different social platforms, I created graphics for 1:1, 4:5, and 9:16 ratios.

Nominee Announcement Flyers (60+ graphics)

I created nominee graphics for each nominee, creating 3 dimensions of each graphic for proper display on different social platform. This was a labor of love!

Digital Media Kit & Rate Sheet

Sponsors help the HCDA do what it does, so they tapped me to create their Media Kit and Rate Sheet, made to entice and bring in sponsors to support them in their mission to celebrate and highlight Haitian and Haitian American.


Event Marketing Campaign, Logo, Poster


Designer Logo Refresh